photography tips

Click Sharper Photos with these easy tips

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Photos look best when they are sharp and clear. Our camera and lens decisions impact on the sharpness and depth of field. All our shots, even with the best cameras, may not turn out sharp. Here are some ways in which you can get sharper photos.

What causes soft images

The main reasons why one ends up with a soft photo are camera shake, subject motion and focus errors.

If most parts of your image is blurred, the most likely …

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Phone Camera – Take Better Photos

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Better photos with a phone camera is everyone’s dream. A camera is a standard feature in all mobile phones. They are with you most of the time and  is easily accessed from your pocket or bag. In 2018, 142.3 million handsets were shipped in India, a growth of 14.5%. Here’s how tomake the best use of your camera phone. …

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Camera Settings for Landscape Photography

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Your digital SLR camera can capture the mystery and grandeur of landscape photography. The following tips can help you to produce attractive landscape pictures.

Depth of Field

You will use the camera either in manual mode or aperture priority mode. To bring most of the scene into focus, aperture has to be kept small so that the depth of field is big.  It is best to keep the f/stop between f/8 and f/11. If the f/stop is higher than f/11, you could see some loss of sharpness.

uasatish, India, Vasai, landscape photography,
Warm Evening
Wide Angle Lenses

Wide-angle lenses, 24 to 35 mm, are preferred for landscape photography because they can show a broader view, and therefore …

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